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Complex refactorings - Mikado method - Clean Code Developer Academy - Seminars, courses and trainings 26
Complex refactorings
Björn Geisemeyer

Refactoring in phases

Refactorings are an integral part of our developer life. It would be nice to always be able to start from scratch, implement new features and realize new ideas. However, we are much more frequently confronted with having to readjust existing source code. In this context, refactorings play a crucial role, especially when we are working on legacy code.

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Automated testing
Björn Geisemeyer

Testing legacy code with approval tests

Exploring the code vastness of the legacy space - Where no test has gone before In the galaxies of software development, ensuring quality is of paramount importance and yet so often neglected. Working in untested and unknown code is as common as it is universally disliked. Who looks forward to

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