We are also happy to conduct our seminars in English.
In an interview with Tom Wendel, Stefan explains some details of the training concept.
Click here for the podcast episode.
We conduct the seminar Clean Code Developer Refactoring on 16.12.2024 as open training. The training costs EUR 490 net per person.
There are still places available. Please contact us via our Contact form or by phone.

Clean Code Developer Tests - 2 days
Automated testing
This workshop answers the question of how to write automated tests. It deals with the technical basics, i.e. the integration and use of a test framework. The strategic side of testing is covered in the seminar Clean Code Developer Basics deepened.
As the respective test frameworks differ depending on the programming language, this seminar is designed for a specific language such as Java.

Clean Code Developer Basics - 3 days
Principles and tests
This workshop is about learning the most important principles of Clean Code Developer Initiative to get to know them. It's all about the important three:
- DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
- SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
- IOSP - Integration Operation Segregation Principle
Practices are primarily concerned with automated testing. Code reviews are also carried out in this workshop to give participants feedback on their solutions.

Clean Code Developer Advanced - 4 days
From requirements to code with Flow Design
The continuation of the Clean Code Developer Basics workshop takes up further principles. The practices deal with the question of how a developer or team gets from the requirements to the code. The focus here is on requirements decomposition and design. Get to know Flow Design, a lightweight design method. You will also learn how a team can use good work organization to divide up work with the aim of working together on a project.

Clean Code Developer Refactoring - 1 day
Brownfield instead of greenfield
Developers with so-called Brownfield or Legacy Code instead of starting on a greenfield site. This seminar deals with the question of how legacy code can continue to be maintained.

Clean Code Developer Architect - 2 days
The big picture
Architecture is primarily concerned with non-functional requirements. It is essential to find a structure for the software system that optimally supports the values of changeability and correctness.

Docker basics - 1 day
Containerize software
Docker drastically simplifies the deployment of software. Containerization creates a reproducible environment that can be easily deployed to any computer. At the same time, Docker containers are so lightweight that they start quickly and are therefore also ideal for integration tests.

Software Testing in Automotive SPICE - 2 days
ASPICE-compliant testing
SPICE plays a central role in the automotive environment. The testing of software must follow guidelines here. This training course focuses on how software testing can be carried out in concrete terms. A high practical component ensures immediate practicability.

Clean Code Developer Multiplier - 4 days
Supporting a team
Developers who have learned the principles and practices and can apply them regularly are not necessarily in a position to support other developers with their knowledge. This requires further skills that are primarily based on self-reflection.

Clean Code Developer Trainer - 4 days
Conducting seminars as a trainer
This workshop is aimed at software developers who would like to pass on their knowledge as trainers. The main focus here is on didactics and course structure. Participants will learn how the Clean Code Developer workshops are structured and how to conduct them as a trainer.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
No. We do not consider a pure SOLID training course, i.e. a seminar that focuses primarily on the SOLID principles, to be very useful. As co-founders of the Clean Code Developer initiative, we have spent a great deal of time and effort examining which principles contribute to the values of changeability and correctness. The SOLID principles are not enough. They also have a strong focus on object orientation. However, there are other paradigms (functional and structured programming).
Nevertheless, we consider the SOLID principles to be at least important enough to include them in our seminar. Clean Code Developer Basics be discussed.
Yes, all participants will receive a certificate of attendance and an Open Badge, created with our SaaS solution mybadges.io.
In our seminar Clean Code Developer Tests is about the distinction between Test Driven Development (TDD) and Test-First. We do not believe that TDD alone is the solution for clean code. TDD is suitable for programming a method on a small scale. For larger blocks, always for an entire application, a solution must be designed before implementation. You can find the topic of design with flow design in our training course Clean Code Developer Advanced.
No, we only offer closed company courses until further notice. This means that you can book one of our trainers for your team and we will then arrange individual appointments.
Yes, we offer our seminars in both German and English.
Structure of our seminars
Our seminar program is aimed at developers, multipliers and trainers.
In an interview with Tom Wendel, Stefan explains some details of the training concept.
Click here for the podcast episode.
If you do not yet have any knowledge in the area of automated testing, this can be acquired in the seminar Clean Code Developer Tests are taught. This seminar is designed for a specific programming language (e.g. C#) so that all details of the test framework (e.g. NUnit) can be covered here.
The introduction to the principles and practices of Clean Code Developer initiative is the seminar Clean Code Developer Basics. This is about the foundation: the most important principles and the practice of automated testing.
The seminar builds on the basics Clean Code Developer Advanced on. Further principles are learned in this seminar. The focus here is on the approach with Flow Design and thus the topics of requirements decomposition and design.
Many developers work on existing code and wonder how to deal with brownfield or legacy code. This is the topic of the seminar Clean Code Developer Refactoring. This is about simple and complex refactorings, as well as strategies for dealing with large, outdated code bases.
In the seminars Clean Code Developer Basics and Advanced it is about code-related structures such as Method and Class. The seminar Clean Code Developer Architect revolves around the coarser structures such as Libraries, Packages and Components and focuses on the non-functional requirements.
Learning knowledge and applying it yourself is one thing. Supporting colleagues in applying the Clean Code Developer building blocks is the topic of the seminar Clean Code Developer Multiplier.
The next step from multiplier to trainer is taught in the seminar Clean Code Developer Trainer is taught. Here the participants learn about the didactics and the course structure with the aim of conducting the Clean Code Developer seminars themselves as trainers.
Do you have any questions? Please contact us!
Give us a call, send us an email or use our contact form. We will be happy to advise you without obligation and provide you with a quote.