At the end of 2008, Stefan Lieser, founder of the Clean Code Developer Academy, together with Ralf Westphal, founded the Clean Code Developer Initiative into being. He has been running clean code workshops since the beginning of 2009 and has worked with over 3,000 developers in the meantime. His workshops are in great demand and are among the best in Germany when it comes to clean code. The CCD initiative developed into the CCD School. The CCD Academy is now taking the next logical step: training developers to become clean code developers and clean code trainers. Of course, not every developer can or should become a trainer. Our Seminars build on each other and offer a learning field for everyone, from beginners to professionals.
Clean Code Trainer
Time and again, companies want to train a developer who will then serve as a multiplier within the company. However, it is often overlooked that imparting knowledge is a skill in its own right that needs to be learned just as much as writing clean code. It is therefore not enough to send a developer to clean code training. He or she must also learn how to support other developers as a multiplier or how to impart knowledge to other developers as a trainer. This is the goal of the CCD Academy.
A system of courses that build on each other provides the knowledge for individual developers through to Trainers. Our declared aim is to train enough Clean Code trainers to give every developer in the entire German-speaking region the opportunity to undergo Clean Code Developer training. Sufficiently large companies will train their own trainers. Training companies can provide Clean Code Developer trainers and thus expand their portfolio of seminar content. Developers can act as Multiplier support their team. And last but not least, every developer must deal intensively with the topic of clean code. The values of changeability and correctness are fundamental. Developing software today without consistently taking these values into account leads to an exponential increase in effort.
The CCD Academy is just getting started. Our range of courses will be expanded over the next few months. We are fully focused on the topic of clean code. You will look in vain for seminars on technologies or similar. The next big step will be a certification program. This will enable course participants to prove that they have not only heard the material, but can also apply it. As an intermediate step, we have already developed the Open Badges Standard implementedso that every course participant receives a certificate of attendance as well as a badge.
Stay tuned!