Video - Complex refactorings with the Mikado method

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The Mikado method can be used to Complex refactorings into small steps. On the one hand, the method is based on experimenting with the source code to find out which requirements need to be met before the desired change can be implemented. On the other hand, the Version control is used to repeatedly return to a known state in the code base. The individual experiments are thus always removed, as they only serve to gain knowledge.

The method is therefore based on gaining knowledge about the individual refactoring steps through naive implementation rather than through analysis and reflection. The resulting Mikado Graph represents a visualization of the steps. This is helpful for carrying out the necessary refactoring steps in the team.

Further information on refactorings can be found in the following series of articles:

I explain the procedure in the following videos.

The Mikado method, part 1

The Mikado method, part 2

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