Requirements for participation

Programming language

The specific programming language does not matter. The following languages are most frequently used: C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, C++. Other languages are less common and just as welcome.

Usually, several languages are represented among the participants in the seminars. This is not a disadvantage at all, as it allows participants to look beyond their own language.

The seminar Clean Code Developer Tests is offered on a language-specific basis, as the aim here is to get to know a specific test framework.

Test framework

Participants must be able to install a test framework available in their language/platform (e.g. JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, MochaJS, GoogleTest etc.) or integrate it into a project. They should also have written at least one or two tests. When it comes to testing, the workshops focus primarily on the strategic aspects. If required, the workshop Clean Code Developer Tests which is then carried out on a language-specific basis (e.g. exclusively for C# developers).

Framework knowledge

In the workshops, participants work on exercises. These are usually console applications. No special knowledge of technology is required. However, some basic knowledge is helpful in order to be able to complete the exercises smoothly:

  • Dealing with strings
  • Basic knowledge of RegEx
  • Reading and writing files
  • Input/output to the console
  • Application of data structures such as list and map/dictionary

Version control

In the workshops, sample solutions and other material are made available in a git repository. In the topic of work organization, the participants work together on a git repository. Basic knowledge of git is therefore required. Furthermore, a git client must be installed (often already included in the IDE). The following knowledge is sufficient:

  • add
  • commit
  • push
  • pull
  • merge