Become a Clean Code Developer now!

We offer you the solution:
Clean Code Trainings!

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What sets us apart

Our focus in Clean Code training is on your bottleneck: Where does the shoe pinch? Where will a workshop achieve the greatest benefit? Before the seminar, we work together to find out which content will bring the greatest benefit for you and your team.

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divider clean code trainings,clean code
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Experienced & proven

Our trainers impart knowledge effectively through many years of project and training experience. The seminars have been continuously developed since 2009.

Practical & guiding

Contents are presented theoretically and worked out practically. The participants receive challenging tasks and exemplary solutions.

Simple & Advanced

We challenge both beginners and advanced players alike. We develop strong foundations and detailed refinements.

Online & on site

We conduct training courses online to promote effectiveness and reduce costs. In individual cases, we also conduct seminars in person.

Clean Code

Since Bob C. Martin published his book Clean Code the focus on code quality has increased enormously. Principles how the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) or Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) are often known to developers. The need for automated tests is also usually recognized. There are also other Practices such as Continuous Deployment or Refactoringwhich make an important contribution to clean code.

Nevertheless, many questions arise in practice. What is meant by clean code? How do I become a clean coder? What to do under time pressure? These and many other questions are addressed in our Clean Code training courses. We attach great importance to taking a pragmatic approach to clean code. A good balance between clean code and the delivery of features must be ensured.

Our training is therefore not just about theory. In many practical exercises, we teach participants the basic skills they need to write clean code in everyday life.

Our Clean Code trainings

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Clean Code Developer Basics

Principles and tests - The seminar is aimed at software developers who are just starting to deal with the topic of software quality. The most important principles and practices of the Clean Code Developer Initiative are taught.

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Clean Code Developer Advanced

From requirements to clean code with Flow Design - Get to know a software development process with Flow Design that takes you smoothly from requirements to clean code.

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Clean Code Developer Refactoring

Brownfield instead of greenfield - The seminar is aimed at developers who maintain and extend existing code. You will learn how to improve code quality with refactoring measures.

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Clean Code Developer Architect

The Big Picture - The seminar is aimed at experienced developers who are concerned with the question of how to create an appropriate rough structure for a software system.

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Clean Code Developer Multiplier

Supporting a team - This seminar is aimed at software developers who want to support their colleagues with their knowledge of Clean Code Developer principles and practices.

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Clean Code Developer Trainer

Conducting seminars as a trainer - This seminar is aimed at software developers who would like to pass on their knowledge of Clean Code Developer principles and practices or Flow Design to others as a trainer.

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Software Testing in Automotive SPICE

Automated testing in the context of ASPICE - training for software developers who want to learn how to perform software testing in compliance with Automotive SPICE.

Customer testimonials

Here you will find our ProvenExpert profile.

Kundenstimmen der Clean Code Developer Akademie-- Stefan Lieser


Do you have any questions?
Would you like to book a seminar?

Give us a call, send us an email or use our contact form. We will be happy to advise you without obligation and provide you with a quote.

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